Sunday, February 18, 2018

#FrightWriters Prompt 2

5 Little Piggies

Before there were the 3 Little Piggies, lived 5 siblings in the Land of Boars. As members of a large little of their Sow they never had their own names. Instead they chose to live away from the rest in adjoining tiny dwellings. Each one small enough for them to barely live inside, and to pull about from place to place.

Time passed and each of the siblings became the Boars that they were meant to become; in size, tusks, and gristle. Spending their days rooting for truffles and among the offal pits of their relatives, the night drowning sorrows in endless troughs of cheap made beer, bemoaning the lack of rutting young sows.

Seasons came and went, the 5 grew into their full sizes and thus outgrew their own tiny homes. So, it came to pass they chose to uproot themselves and obtain different living arrangements. In the late spring of that year, before anyone else might obstruct their plans, the 5 Boars hooked their homes to harnesses and headed out towards the deeper woods, to find new sources of places to live in.
Along the way they passed other houses, passed other singulars bent on their own aims and agendas. Deeper and deeper into the woods they went, until they had passed out of the lands they were born into and out of the safety in numbers.  

Finding an opening in the woods, with knocked down wooden structures and plenty of deadfall about, they set to putting together a joint structure. Days they labored, nights they brewed and ate, until they completed their self-appointed tasks and had a place for them all to live in.
The years passed and slowly the house they had made together felt smaller and smaller until it seemed there would be another move in their future. As the nightly debates grew more and more heated and the days were spent away from each other, it seemed inevitable that the 5 would end up in separate directions.

Until the eldest recalled the story of a fearsome beast, a wolf, said to live in the forest. Determined to keep his siblings close he set about to create a ruse, to entail all 5 to remain together. Gathering branches and scavenging the pelts of fresh kills he would make of smaller beings, he made a wolf of lies and deceit. One that he felt would keep them all together united.

Like all plans it fell apart. He took on the guise of the wolf, to scare and terrify the others. But he had forgotten of the savagery all of his own kind could muster. As he rustled and rattled outside the house the 5 had made, as the 4 slightly younger but no less large siblings spoke amongst themselves about what to do. The oldest made just a slight error and uttered a single squeal.

Now convinced the monster outside had devoured their sibling, the 4 fell upon it and tore the intruder to shreds, devouring it wood, pelt, and flesh.

Only in the daylight did the ruse become discovered and the 4 separated, never to speak of their mistake again. Each now destined to perish alone in the forest of their regret. 

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