Sunday, April 10, 2011

Characteristics or More on Monsters Point 3: HP Lovecraft and Descendants

 Characteristics or More on Monsters Point 3: HP Lovecraft and Descendants
Mr. Wigglestick here, coming to you today from the Hallowed Halls, where fine suggestions lurk behind every nook and deep within the crannies of the mind. The Hallowed Halls is a fine establishment, with room to accommodate most any sort of appetite, no caveats attached. So take your time, browse the collection and admire the artwork, feel free to visit the front desk for entertainment, refreshments, or lodging requests.
Welcome, one and all.

These are the cream of the crop. Too many tentacles, too many gaping orifices, insane cultists and things from outside our space and time. These are the real deal kiddies, come play at your own risk.

  1. Ancient Elder Gods
  2. Hideous monsters
  3. Subterranean creatures
  4. Insane Cultists
  5. Human / Monster Hybrids
  6. Aliens from distant worlds
  7. Shapeless / Formless things that make no sense