Sunday, November 1, 2009

National Novel Writing Month and

Hello to everyone,

Well I am once again participating in the National Novel Writing Month hosted at This is where you spend the month of November trying to write a 50,000 word novel between November 1 and November 31.
This comes out to be about 1,667 words a day if you write every day, and about 2,500 words if you do not write on the weekends.

Also on the writing front I am the Tampa SF and F books Examiner. My page is located at and I can always use a few more views. Focused on Book Reviews with occasional comments and observations about bookstores in my local area.

I am including books by authors such as HP Lovecraft, since the Elder Things come from other planets and dimensions, that makes it SF in many respects. Besides I love his work.
Come visit.